In an ever-changing health care landscape, data is of utmost importance in promoting health. Elected officials, public health professionals, and other stakeholders of population health will convene on Monday, March 2 at the annual Population Health Forum. The event will be held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago – Detroit Branch, 1600 East Warren Avenue, Detroit. The event is free, but advanced registration is required. To register, visit http://www.eventbrite.com/e/2015-population-health-forum-registration-15667484869.
The forum is co-sponsored by the Greater Detroit Area Health Council and the Detroit Wayne County Health Authority. A national expert on health impact assessments, Jonathan Heller, PhD, will be the guest speaker.
Heller is co-founder of Human Impact Partners, a public health consulting firm. He has worked on more than a dozen health impact assessments (HIA), conducted many HIA trainings, and mentored others on how to conduct HIAs. Prior to moving into public health, Heller worked for nine years in the biotech industry.
Heller received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and his doctorate from University of California, Berkeley. He served in the Peace Corps in Papua New Guinea. Heller currently serves as the chair of the Provisional Steering Committee for the newly formed Society of Practitioners of Health Impact Assessment (SOPHIA) and as chair of the board of the Center for Community Change.
“We’re very pleased to bring Jonathan Heller to Detroit for this event,” explained Chris Allen, CEO, Detroit Wayne County Health Authority. “His expertise in health impact assessments and advocacy around health in all policies will provide valuable insight for our civic leaders and extended public health community.”
“The health care landscape is dramatically evolving while the needs of the entire population grow in southeast Michigan,” said Kate Kohn-Parrott, president and CEO, Greater Detroit Area Health Council. “The opportunity next month for stakeholders to come together to discuss health impact assessments, hear from national expert Jonathan Heller and present the 2014 State of Population Health Report is vitally important.”
Read more about forum guest speaker Heller at: http://www.humanimpact.org/author/jonathan/#sthash.SYO74RGN.dpuf. For more information on the Council visit www.healthaccess1.org/community-groups/population-health-council.
Pre-registration is required for the free-to-attend 2015 Population Health Forum at www.gdahc.org. Questions regarding the forum may be directed to Bryan Peckinpaugh with the Greater Detroit Area Health Council at 313-965-4123 or bpeckinpaugh@gdahc.org.
About the Population Health Council
The Population Health Council is a group of public health officials, community health advocates, community development, academic, and other stakeholders in population health, organized under the auspices of the Health Authority. Funded through the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Council produces an annual State of Population Health for Wayne County and provides a post-graduate fellowship in population health. The State of the Population Health report will be presented at the March forum.
Mouhanad Hammami, M.D., health officer for the Wayne County Department of Health and Human Services, and john a. powell, executive director of the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society, are co-chairs of the Council.
Dennis Archambault
Detroit Wayne County Health Authority
Bryan Peckinpaugh
Greater Detroit Area Health Council
Image Courtesy of Human Impact Partners | humanimpact.org